Saturday, December 3, 2011


The next four blogs are a collection of articles that I wrote in the mid 90's for a singles magazine in Portland, Oregon. They were a loose response to the book; Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.



By David Harsch

Men are from Earth Women are from ?????. A series of articles intended to help men understand why they don’t understand women.

I have read many books and articles on the problem of communication between men and women. The authors of each of these publications claim to know what the problem is and how to fix it. Well the simple truth is that they don’t know what the problem is and they can’t fix it.

The Harsch reality is that men see things from a man’s point of view and a women see them from a woman’s point of view and never the twixt shall meet.

The problem, you see is not in the understanding but in understanding that there is no understanding. Are you confused yet?

Let’s start this series by trying to understand communication itself. A communication is defined as a message sent by a sender or the speaker and received by a receiver or the listener. Seems pretty simple and it is if a man is talking to a man, but when a man says something to a woman the woman hears the words the man says, but the communication she receives is clouded by everything that she has ever heard from every other man she has ever known. So the message that she receives is not necessarily what the man sent. And they’re just talking about cleaning the living room.

Men are raised to say what they want without regard for the impact on any woman who might be around. Women on the other hand are raised to be careful about what they say so that they will look like ladies and not offend. Women are also raised to believe that men know what they want and will provide it with out being told or asked. This teaching however is false since men were not taught to know what women want and often don’t know even when told.

So if you women want to communicate with your man just listen to what he says and stop trying to interpret the hidden meaning because there probably isn’t one.

This article is written by a man using the statements made by men without women present.

In future articles I will discuss the communication problems as they relate to topics such as; Sex, relationships, control, manipulation, friendship, dating, and any other subject that may raise the ire of men and women alike.

Have a good understanding.


David Harsch is a pseudonym for a single Portland Man who believes that men are from Mars and women are from someplace else because we know where Venus is.